Company history
The Language Lab, provider of translation services, was established in 1993 by Koen Gubbels, a business management graduate, and Ping Cleton, who earned a degree in literature. The Language Lab is currently one of the leading providers of professional translation services to businesses and public authorities, with a 15-strong staff of trained professionals who exceed our clients' expectations time and time again.
Over the past 22 years the translation business has been transformed almost beyond recognition. Back in 1993 many translations were delivered to clients by fax so that they could be retyped using their own word processing software! At that time, WordPerfect was the undisputed market leader and the most advanced technological tool was the bulletin board (BBS), which enabled the transmission of files by modem. The word 'internet' hadn't even made it into the dictionary yet.
A few years later the world became aware of the benefits of e-mail and the Word Wide Web - and within no time at all, computer users had the world at their fingertips. Suddenly a plethora of information was available: a godsend for translators who previously had to trek between bookshops and libraries and leaf through dusty old volumes in search of obscure terminology. And as these developments progressed, clients tightened their deadlines accordingly - with 'ASAP' and 'yesterday' becoming commonly heard requests.
However, in spite of these revolutionary changes and the rise of translation tools, technology and search engines, translation remains a craft and the role of the translator indispensable. And, for the time being at least, 'it looks to remain that way.
In 2010 we entered into a partnership with the leading Dutch dictionary publisher Van Dale, and in conjunction with them we established a new translation agency,Van Dale Vertalingen. Operating under this brand name, we provide translations in accordance with the highest quality standards.